MSN Search - Learn about Microsoft What is MSN? It find anything you want on the internet put together by MSN technology in its services. It uses MSN spider, MSNBot, to add to MSN's index. The index sorts pages into ranking, subjects, directories, and gives you a great what you are looking for quickly. The final piece of the puzzle is the query server that matches your terms with the index's ranked sites. The query server analyses your terms and compares them with each page's rank to determine how relevant each page is to your terms.
MSN Home Page - The official MSN Home Page and or the Official Page have changed to BING. MSN page does not include a few of the search building features that MSN does. The MSN home page is following googles lead, with the bar squarely in the middle of the browser window. You can search MSN with the bar itself: Web, Desktop, News, Images, Local and Encarta, Microsoft's online encyclopedia.